Solutions worth looking at

Your Business Better... Smarter... Faster...

Problem solving. Efficiencies. Cohesiveness. We can help you get there.

What our clients say about us

"Igossi has hosted my site for over 10 years and I have always felt it was safe and secure. Paula’s extensive knowledge of systems and WordPress far surpasses mine and I would be lost without her."
Rachel Stelzer - BrooksWest Design, Cool Media Chick
"..has singlehandedly kept the site alive at times in the face of threats, managed integrations with various programs and plug-ins, dealt with updates, renewals, crashes, and changes in policies and programs, and kept us backed up and safe. She helped to redesign the entire website at one point to modernize it."
Dr. David S. Kosson, Ph. D - Aftermath Surviving Psychopathy Foundation
"... took our simple, rather mundane website and transformed it into a major marketing and educational tool for our organization. In addition to website design, she maintains its operation, makes monthly backups, and updates not only the core software but all of the many plug-ins and add-ons required to run a complex site as needed. Our site is very secure and we have had no security breaches or spammers; our website, under her leadership, continues to remain stable..."
Dr. Paul Babiak, Phd - Aftermath Surviving Psychopathy Foundation
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WordPress Services

What is a Content Delivery Network (CDN) and Do You Need One?

If visitors have to wait for your content to load, they’re likely to go elsewhere. While there are many optimization techniques developers can employ, larger websites with global reach can benefit from extra assistance. Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) offer tools to improve load times and enhance security.

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How many themes do you really need for your WordPress site?

However you got there, it’s time to assess how many themes you have and how many you really need. It may seem as a small detail but one that can have consequences for the safety of your site. How many themes do you have sitting around on your WordPress site and how many do you really need? WordPress themes are how you control the basic visual effect on how your site works. To access them you go to the control panel -> appearance -> themes. There you will find at least one theme but possibly many. There are many reasons for having multiple themes. As part of the WordPress installation multiple official WordPress themes are installed. You may have extra

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WordPress Security – why “Admin” is a bad thing

If you are running WordPress there may be a common setting that is jeopardizing the security of your site. Recently, there was an organized botnet attack on WordPress sites. What that means is that a software program with millions of minions was scanning the internet for WordPress sites, especially ones that have an “admin”  log in user name. It makes sense if you think about it. A hacker trying to get into your site needs two things; the user name and the password. By having an “admin” account you just handed them half of the equation. The hacker then hides behind spoofed IP addresses and tries lots of different passwords until they find the right one. The scary thing is,

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